How Preparese Helps Farm Worker Serving Organizations Scale

Written by:

Elizabeth Melton

4 minutes

There’s a lot of pressure for non-profit leaders to embrace for-profit practices. To work faster, work harder, and work smarter — just like the healthcare, tech, and manufacturing giants of the world.

But focusing their attention on the “how” can feel like they’re abandoning the “why.” Like their purpose slowly recedes into the background, favoring efficiency over service. 

Wanting the best for their constituents, many of these leaders opt to continue doing what they’ve always done. Yet, at a certain point, doing what they’ve always done won’t benefit the community they’re serving.

A low-tech backend can’t support mobile apps. A lack of digital marketing can’t get the word out about your organization in the right places. A slow ticket resolution system can’t keep up with demand. A physical office can’t offer remote services or retain staff.

To be the provider of choice, you need to be agile, adapting to farm workers’ local and immediate needs. Below, we’ll share how Preparese can help you best serve your members — without compromising your mission.

What is Preparese?

Preparese helps farm worker serving organizations digitally transform to better connect with the people they serve and the donors and volunteers who support their mission. More specifically, Preparese software converts manual, pen and paper processes into digital services, offering farm workers valuable resources from mobile, desktop, and tablet devices.

In this way:

  1. Farm workers become partners. In most organizations, the farm worker is a passive participant, answering questions while a staffer works their case. This can require a tremendous amount of coordination between the two parties, scheduling multiple appointments, workshops, and calls. Preparese flips this paradigm, making the farm worker the primary driver. They fill out forms themselves, on their own time and at their own pace. For reference, they can read corresponding brochures or watch explainer videos straight from the app. If they need more hands-on help, they can send organization staff members a message over chat or request a video call.
  2. Farm workers gain full control over their data and their journey. The software is designed with privacy in mind, requesting only the most necessary information from farm workers and letting them decide what to share and when. Plus, farm workers can check the status of their cases at any time and get notified whenever milestones are achieved.
  3. Farm workers get services faster. Preparese removes friction by eliminating usernames and passwords and capturing data in real time. farm workers no longer have to memorize their credentials, staff no longer have to waste time processing password resets, and no one ever has to fill out the same information twice.

5 Ways Preparese Ensures Long-Term Sustainability 

By putting the farm worker first, Preparese makes it easier for organizations to scale while staying true to their vision. Here’s how:

1. Reach a larger audience

By digitizing their services and modernizing operations, organizations can reach a larger and more diverse population — all while saving time and money. Preparese automates tasks, streamlines workflows, and eliminates paper-based processes that are prone to errors and duplication.

2. Create new revenue streams

With Preparese, organizations can monetize their investments in digitized services by white-labeling them and offering them to similar organizations, generating a return on investment and creating a win-win for everyone.

3. Retain farm workers

Preparese enables two-way communication, allowing farm workers to provide input and feedback quickly. This not only enhances user engagement and satisfaction, it builds deep trust. Retained users become loyal advocates for your organization and can be activated for causes when called upon.

4. Enhance collaboration with similar organizations

In the Preparese ecosystem, organizations get exposure to other companies or markets that may complement their mission. Preparese facilitates collaboration and coordination, helping them leverage the strengths and resources of their partners.

5. Make data-driven decisions

Preparese gives organizations insights on current performance and areas for improvement, enabling leaders to make informed decisions that optimize their strategy and operations.

Preparese is How You Deliver Your Mission to the Community You Serve

Preparese sets a positive flywheel in motion. With direct access to farm workers, you boost awareness and increase productivity. In turn, your organization earns bigger donations and better volunteers. 

Want to learn more about how Preparese works in practice? Visit our website and contact us for more information.

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Julette Martinez

CEO, Farm Worker Organization